Personal efficiency
21. March 2022 2024-01-29 11:12Personal efficiency
Give yourself a broader work-perspective with a tailored course in personal efficiency and effectiveness.
Are your mailboxes always brimming? Do you postpone tasks and allow bad habits to run the show? Help is on the way!
We’re here to help!
Did you know, you can save an incredible amount of time and energy by focusing on personal efficiency, and by using email and task-management systems much more effectively?
Starting with the unique challenges you face in everyday work-life, we customize a course in personal efficiency/effectiveness for you. As a direct result, your day-to-day will become noticeably easier by using tools that create a sense of peace, giving a broader overview and promoting greater job satisfaction.
What we provide:
A course in Personal Efficiency/Effectiveness will always depend on your company’s aims and needs.
A typical course in Personal Efficiency/Effectiveness includes the following:
When you’ve taken our tailored business course in Personal Efficiency/Effectiveness, you will, amongst other things:
Hvem er i?
Vi henvender os til virksomheder:
– som ønsker det bedste for sine medarbejdere
– som forstår vigtigheden af at optimere sine medarbejderes personlige effektivitet
– som ønsker at udnytte sine medarbejderes fulde potentiale og produktivitet uden stress og tabt arbejdsglæde
Metode & varighed
Vi arbejder målrettet med motivation, og vi udsender gerne online spørgeskemaer, og afholder opstartsmøder inden forløbets start.
Et forløb i Personlig Effektivitet strækker sig oftest over flere kursusdage alt afhængig af behov og kompleksitet, for at sikre at redskaberne serveres i små ”bidder”, og ikke mindst for at der er tid til at arbejde videre med dem sideløbende med selve arbejdet. Kurset afholdes typisk på formiddage.
Vi betragter opfølgning, som en vigtig del af forløbet, da det er med til at sikre fastholdelse af de gode vaner og rutiner.
Hands on undervisning i Outlook eller Lotus Notes
Et virksomhedstilpasset forløb i Personlig Effektivitet består af en kombination af teori og praktik.
I kursustiden er der indlagt hands on på egen PC/arbejdsplads, så I kommer i gang med at bruge de nye redskaber allerede i løbet af kursusforløbet. Om I arbejder med Outlook eller Lotus Notes er underordnet. Begge systemer har, for mange, ufattelig mange ukendte funktioner, som kan gøre hverdagen lidt nemmere.
Undervisningen foregår hos jer, og der er tid afsat til at alle får hjælp til at komme godt i gang.
We cater to companies who:
- Want the best for their employees
- Understand the importance of optimizing the personal efficiency/effectiveness of their employees
- Want to utilize the full potential and productivity of their employees, without stress and loss of job satisfaction
We are target-driven, and therefore act proactively by sending out online questionnaires, as well as offering preliminary meetings prior to the start of the course.
A course in Personal Efficiency/Effectiveness usually extends over the course of a few days, depending on needs and complexity. This is to ensure that the tools are served in bite-sized pieces, so that they may be digested in parallel with the work itself. The course is typically held in the mornings.
We consider follow-up as an important part of the process, as it helps to ensure the maintenance of good habits and routines.
Hands-on training in Outlook
A business-adapted course in Personal Efficiency/Effectiveness consists of a combination of theory and practice.
During the course, time is factored in for you to practise and familiarize yourself with the new tools. Outlook is, for many, incredibly lesser-known features that can make work-life so much easier.
The course takes place online or at your workplace, and there is always allocated time for hands-on excercises.
Contact us
Contact us if you want to hear more about the course in Personal Efficiency/Effectiveness, and if you want to know how to free up more energy and attain calm in your work-life. We adapt the course to your needs.
The course is available in both Danish and English.
If you’d like to know more about our customized business Efficiency/Effectiveness course, you can read more here.
Contact us at , on +45 70 23 31 41 or using the form below.