Personal advice
21. March 2022 2024-01-29 11:11Personal advice
We’ll show you the way to an
easier work-day relaxed and structured
Do you recognise that feeling of not having accomplished everything you needed to by the end of the work-day? Not just on the odd occasion, but almost everyday of the week?
Then it’s time to do something about it!
A course with tailored advice that will show you the route to an easier work-day by teaching you a more structured approach to your work tasks. This in turn will provide you with a better perspective of your work, with less stress and more calm.
What we provide
Starting with YOU and your challenges, we work with the following:
After this customized business course, you will:
We offer advice to directors, managers and company employees; who all have the desire for an easier work-day, with more time for value-creating tasks, in common with each other.
Your course with one of our advisors will typically extend over 3-6 meetings, lasting 1-4 hours each time, dependant on your efforts and needs.
A tailored course with personalized advice is a combination of discussion, advising and implementation of practical tools. It can take place via Zoom or Teams, or in person at your workplace.
Your needs are always used as our springboard.

Contact us if you would like to know more about how to get an easier work-day with a fuller sense of calm, control, and more freed-up energy for other tasks. – Or if you know someone else who would benefit from this!
Contact us at , on +45 70 23 31 41 or using the form below.
If you are interested in knowing more about our workshops, you can read more here.